Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Spring Cleaning (✿◠‿◠)


Hey! Today I was compiling some goals for spring cleaning and I wanted to share them (◠﹏◠✿)

Have a wishlist/spend limit when I go shopping
Shopping is a social event for me, but the downside is sometimes I end up buying things I don't love. I am trying to compile a wishlist of things I find myself looking for frequently and limiting myself to shopping for just those items when I go shopping. Or, if I'm going somewhere like an art festival, setting a spend limit so I don't come back with too many things or overspend. 

Have an IDK bin 

I tend to get really anxious when I clear out my closet since I'm afraid of regretting getting rid of something. I thought up a good way around this that i'm going to call the IDK bin. Every time I get dressed, when I see something that I know I'm avoiding wearing/makes me feel meh I'm going to put it in the bin. Then I will look through the bin a couple times a month and decide if I miss that item or not. If I still feel meh about it the second time I see it, I can give it away. 

Having a goal 

I've been thinking a lot about what fashion means to me now at 25 years old. I won't get too much into it, but as a kid girls used to tell me to stop wearing my favorite clothes because they were "too childish/cute." So I used to put a lot of time into studying what was "cool" so I would stop getting bullied and feel like I fit in. Spoiler alert that didn't happen, and was kinda damaging to my mental health. It wasn't until a couple years ago when I finally broke free of that mindset and starting to wear what I wanted just for ME only. I have so many clothes that I keep because I feel obligated to have them, but I don't really get any joy out of wearing them. I essentially have them just out of guilt. It kinda sucks to have to dig around meh clothes every day when I'm getting ready. So I am making it my goal to have as few meh clothes around as possible, unless it's something like a plain shirt that I need for building outfits. I think having a wardrobe full of things I actually love and cherish will make me feel so much better than having clothes I'm avoiding. Even though my ultimate goal is to have a smaller wardrobe, reminding myself of the positive mental health effects that will have on me will really help.

My overall goal is to declutter my apartment, because I know it's making me anxious to just have extra stuff I don't love. But really, even if I still have a large wardrobe, I just want to be able to say that everything I own has a purpose even if the purpose is just that it makes me happy or that it's a basic that builds my outfits. I'll never be a minimalist or someone with only one style, but I can be someone who buys items carefully and loves everything they own! (◠‿◠✿)

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same than you! I have New goal too since few time maybe affected by spring cleaning period lol. I want to declutter my appartment too and prepare a list of buying instead of buying anything everytime...
    Good luck for your clean up💖💪🏽


My Melody Is Cute