Saturday, March 2, 2024

sad makeup update (◕︵◕)

I have sad news today (◕︵◕) remember how last week I was saying i was so excited to wear makeup again every day? I ended up triggering my dry eye somehow. This happens like once a year and I've never figured out what the problem ingredients are because it's not like a hives allergy type thing, so I can't get allergy tested for it. Anyways, I read up and chatted with my doctor about it and I'm pretty sure the issue is fragrance and talc, and also wearing lashes and lining my waterline especially on a daily basis. I've known the past two for a while, i just recklessly kept doing it anyway bc i like how it looks o(╥﹏╥)o 

But now I'm feeling upset bc I feel like i can't do gal looks anymore. I know I could just wear plain makeup but I don't feel like myself like that. I've been trying to look for old school looks today but I feel like they all have you lining the waterline/inside eye line or are for tan gals, which i'm not. I know it doesn't matter what people think but ... idk  o(╥﹏╥)o I feel like I would be an imposter doing old school gal makeup and not doing it "correctly". 

I really dont wanna give up on gyaru, i just don't know how to make makeup looks I like that are comfortable for me to wear. I want to do gyaru only on the weekends or something, because when I don't like my makeup I just don't feel like myself. 

I know i've sorta been on and off gal for the past year, but now that my mental health is much better I feel connected to gyaru again. It has always just felt like a part of myself and I don't want to lose it.

I found a couple inspo photos but idk if it will even be "gal enough" or whatever. I just found these through the scans i had saved in my google drive and on google search so I don't know who owns them. Someone shared a google drive of gal mags with a chat i was in years ago.  

I really love orange and pink eyeshadow

Sorry for the kinda depressing post :( 

Please share ideas or scans with me if you have any, I would super appreciate more inspo. I have 2 ego system mags on the way so i'm hoping maybe i'll find something there too!! 



  1. Gosh, I'm also obsessed with lining the upper waterline ;-; And no worries, I'm trying to find an analogy so I make you feel better, which is me thinking that my look would be complete with circle lens. I bought 2 pairs & every time, I would hate my eye make because of them... 40 euros down the drain but I was like "No, this is not me, does not suit my face & style, I don't feel good & I look better without them". So I got back into my old eye make up techniques.
    Just take into consideration that we also don't do chuyome gyaru in first place, we are more into roma, himekaji, mori, shiro, onee, which you can find your own make through getting inspo from them. I love your eye make as seen in your Valentine's Day post, so totally get what you mean. Also, you're not giving up gyaru, don't say that haha coz I'd also feel like that in the past. You got it! If you need any detailed recommendation on eye make reference or want to figure it out together let me know <3

    1. thank you (◡‿◡✿) i would love reference photos! I have felt so self conscious since my skin has been acting up with acne and rosacea lately, but I'm hoping now that i've dealt with my medical issues causing my breakouts and also gotten products that won't hurt my eyes i will feel more confident!! It was all just too much at once.. dry eyes and breaking out (◕︵◕) if you have ideas i would love to see them!!


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